Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hex Wallpaper

It's time to switch up the wallpapers again so I've come up with a new concept for everyone to enjoy Hex WallPapers (in the same vein as the carbon fiber wall paper before it).


Ty said...


I thought I would try and ask you for some advice about a previous post you made about installing a usage monitor in a dd-wrt equipped router. I read your description, and as a relative novice, I m unable to install the monitor and run the commands to get it to work. I am hoping you could correspond with me and walk me through the process of implementing your program. I am burning through bandwidth like crazy and hitting the limits of my isp but I am unable to determine what address in my LAN or what application is burning through the data. I can see the WAN chugging along at 30Mbps in a pulsatile fashion.

Anyway, I know you may have no interest in helping me, but I figured it doesn't hurt to ask.


Ty said...

I am a monkey at a typewriter.

vortex-5 said...

you may find the github more helpful.

Dennis Faucher said...

Thank you for bwmon. Just installed it and it works like a charm. dd-wrt should add this feature as a default.


I need new hobbies. Two years into COVID-19 my hobby became everything COVID related everything from keeping up with the latest restriction...