Monday, December 20, 2004

I'm at the hair cutter's today. I figured that I should get a trim before the holidays.

It's going to be so strange this year I've been away for over 3 months now it's bound to feel a little wierd to be back in the T.O.

I guess while I'm in T.O. I'll try and keep myself busy by applying to CO-OP positions non-stop as the chances right now look bleek. The goal is this approx 1 new position per day. On top of that I'll be practicing for my driver's examination on the 10th. So these two things should keep me busy.

We'll see what else happens during this break hopefully it wont be too dull :-)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

I started creating a personal website today and was infuriated by the fact that MS Publisher in all their wisdom creates pages that won't render on the Gecko engine.

It's basically WTF?

Anyways I'm looking into some open source W3C compatable packages now to be able to do this. Mainly I want to start uploading all my random code snippets up to the internet.

Friday, December 10, 2004

You know how they always say it's the calm before the storm? To that I say.... What calm?! Posted by Hello


I need new hobbies. Two years into COVID-19 my hobby became everything COVID related everything from keeping up with the latest restriction...